Kompleks Youth Culture Centre

From Culture.si

Kompleks, koroški mladinski kulturni center

Kompleks Youth Culture Centre 2019 Exterior Photo Kaja Brezocnik.jpgExterior of Kompleks Youth Culture Centre, 2019.

After years of efforts to form a consistent cultural, educational and entertainment programme in the Koroška (Carinthia) region, the Kompleks Youth Culture Centre (KMKC Kompleks) was finally established in 2006 by the Klub Koroških Študentov (Club of Carinthian Students). Located in the city Ravne na Koroškem, this youth centre has since then amply developed along the lines of its aims and now presents various music evenings, film nights, theatre performances, poker nights, a number of workshops, and many other events.

It is composed of three parts, one being a bar that is open throughout the day, the other is a kind of a study room and the third is a multi-purpose hall. The latter is also available for rent; it has 100 seats and can hold up to 250 people standing.

Musical programme

The regular music programme is divided into different sets, branded as Kompleks.IT, Cover.IT (local bands' covers of legendary bands repertoire), Bang.IT (heavy metal music), Present.IT (presentations of new albums by Slovene as well as foreign artists) and Dance.IT (electronic music nights). We can mention a few hosted bands like Elvis Jackson, Tabu, Katalena, Zmellkow, Big Foot Mama, Siddharta, Dan D, No Means No, and Dog Eat Dog.

Besides the club's regular programme, it also hosts the Club Marathon project and a number of sporadic events, ranging from DJ selection and thematic evenings to classical music concerts.

Jazz Ravne

Another important part of the cultural offer at Kompleks is the Jazz Ravne music programme, which has been coorganised by the Kompleks Youth Culture Centre and the Drugi zvoki ("Other Sounds") Cultural Society. Ambitiously set far from bigger urban centres and a guaranteed public, Jazz Ravne has now gained a regular and committed audience and is held on every third Thursday throughout the season. A selection of top Slovene jazz musicians is supplemented by hosting chosen foreign artists and also, at least once per season, some blues musicians.

Of the local artists hosted on Jazz Ravne stage, we can mention Robert Jukič and his band, Kristina Oberžan & The Grooveyards, Samo Šalamon Trio, Mia Žnidarič or Vid Jamnik. Foreign guests have included Gwen Hughes, Karlheinz Miklin Double Trio, Bluesbrakers, Hot Club Zagreb, Boško Petrović, Georgie Fame, Ratko Zjača, Simone Zanchini, Adam Nussbaum and the eminent Duško Gojković Quartet.

Besides Kompleks, regular venues for the Jazz Ravne concerts are also Kulturni center Ravne (Ravne Cultural Centre) and Grajski park (Castle Park), which is located on the edge of the town.

Workshops and other programme

Workshops more or less occur under the wing of the project "Arena Znanja" (Arena of Knowledge). A project of the Club of Carinthian Students, its aim is to encompass as many types of education under its wing and brand. It offers language courses, artistic workshops, programming and internet usage courses, dance classes and much more. It also holds information on available instructors and arranges quality and financially accessible help for for high school and university students,

Besides its cultural and educational function, Kompleks also offers a wide variety of entertainment options such as sports screenings, poker tournaments, stand-up comedy, travelogue evenings, and board game events.

External links


Kompleks, koroški mladinski kulturni center +
46.543 +
Kompleks, koroški mladinski kulturni center +
14.965 +
SI-2390 Ravne na Koroškem +
Čečovje 5 +
After years of efforts to form a consistenAfter years of efforts to form a consistent cultural, educational and entertainment programme in the Koroška (Carinthia) region, the Kompleks Youth Culture Centre (KMKC Kompleks) was finally established in 2006 by the Klub Koroških Študentov (Club of Carinthian Students).h Študentov (Club of Carinthian Students). +
After years of efforts to form a consistenAfter years of efforts to form a consistent cultural, educational and entertainment programme in the Koroška (Carinthia) region, the Kompleks Youth Culture Centre (KMKC Kompleks) was finally established in 2006 by the Klub Koroških Študentov (Club of Carinthian Students).h Študentov (Club of Carinthian Students). +
Ravne na Koroškem +
SI-2390 +
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